Story-centered personal & brand coaching.

Step boldly into your purpose and lead who you're meant to INSPIRE.

How would it feel to live your most empowered, alive, and inspired story?

A life meaningfully lived begins with a story courageously chosen.

Hi there! ✨ I'm Savannah, an NLP Master Practitioner & Story Coach dedicated to serving you in cultivating profound clarity and confidence.

Our work will guide you to your truthiest truths so that you can discover and embody your unique story of a meaningful life, business, and legacy.

Who you become is a result of who you believe you are.
Choose your story. Transform your life.

How will your next chapter begin?

Book a complimentary consultation to see which services will serve you.

My mission is to create a global movement of empowered storytellers ignited by purpose and vibrant in their vision—here's how you can join me.

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Storytelling Masterminds

Dedicated small-group coaching

SHOW UP with confidence and ease. A creative collaboration workshop series offered once a quarter(ish). Join my newsletter or reach out to join the next one.

Personal & Brand Story Coaching

6 or 12-month 1:1 coaching

Customized 3- and 6-month story coaching programs where we clarify your stories, define your goals + stuck points, and build your skills so you can cultivate lasting leadership and clarity in your life + business.

Workshop Intensives

Storytelling skills and concepts

Customized half-day or fully-day workshops designed to serve your organization or team. Possibilities include brand storytelling, team building, story-inspired leadership, and more.

Here's the thing—you're already a storyteller.

We are storytellers by nature (all humans are), yet most of our stories are destructive and limiting.

They are stories of "can't," "have to," "should," and "who am I to . . ."

How would it feel to be intentional and heart-centered with the stories you tell yourself and the world? If you'd like to find out, let's have a conversation.

Book a Call

All of us possess a light that is too brilliant to be dimmed by stories that have never been true.

And by the way, you're already a leader, too.

And before you say, "Savannah, I'm not a leader. No one follows me." I say, "You follow you!" Leadership begins with one person boldly deciding to embody their purpose and manifest their vision for the world.

Learn the skill of living a story-led life that lights up your soul, inspiring you to do the hard things WORTH doing. And in leading yourself, you’ll inevitably lead who you’re meant to inspire.

What if the story is that you're already a leader? If
that’s the one you’re ready to tell, let's talk.

Let's Chat

Story Coaching Testimonials

"With her thoughtful questionnaire, she teased out some stuck points and places of uncertainty, while holding it with compassion and care. I would recommend Savannah to anyone looking for guidance wherever they may find themselves—whether you are just starting out, or already on your way, you will find your time with Savannah to be of great benefit."

Mudra Love

Working with Savannah was one of the best decisions I made as a solopreneur. I was very much feeling all over the place & needed clarity ... There's something to her method and that white board lol It's pure magic! The process was effortless. It's like she waved her magic wand & organized my thoughts and words more beautifully than I could have ever imagined."

Melissa Williams

"I left the Mastermind feeling like I was in the right place, both professionally and personally ... Focusing on why I do what I do and who I most love to serve brought a new clarity to my copy, from the brand story to the elevator pitch. I had never taken such a close look at my underlying purpose, vision, and beliefs, and doing so made it easy to identify and clarify the mission of my work and my business as a whole."

Nikki Dee

She is absolutely amazing! She's not only intuitive with her questions but also so fun to work with. I can feel her passion to help others, and she really cares and supports you all the way. Savannah powerfully helped me discover and gain clarity on myself and my business, providing a safe place to explore the possibilities.

Jocelyn Sandstrom

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